トップページ > 遠藤とスタチンに関する論評・著書



  1. (1)Gaw Allan, Packard J, Shepherd James(Eds). Statins. The HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors in perspective. Informa Healthcare(UK), 1999.
  2. (2)遠藤章. 自然からの贈りもの-史上最大の新薬誕生. (株)メデイカルレビュウ社、2006
  3. (3)遠藤章. スタチンの発見-コレステロールに挑む. 岩波書店、2006.
  4. (4)Jie Jack Li: Triumph of the Heart. The Story of Statins. Oxford University Press, 2009.
  5. (5)Billy Woodward, Joel Shurkin, Debra Gordon. Scientists Greater Than Einstein: The Biggest Lifesavers of the Twenties Century. Quill Driver Books, 2009.
  6. (6)P. Roy Vagelos, Louis Galambos. Medicine, Science and Merck: Three Careers of Roy Vagelos. Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  7. (7)Akira Yamamoto, Hiroshi Mabuchi(Eds). Thirty Years of Statins, Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Akira Endo. Atherosclerosis Supplements Vol 5, Issue 3, pp.1-131, 2004.
  8. (8)山本章、馬渕宏(編). スタチンの30年ー遠藤章博士を祝う記念論文集(非売品)、 2005.
  9. (9)山内喜美子.世界で一番売れている薬(小学館新書). 小学館.2007.
  10. (10)Daniel Steinberg. The Cholesterol Wars. The Cholesterol Skeptics vs the Preponderance of Evidence. Academic Press, 2007.
  11. (11)CG Wermuth(Ed). The Practice of Medicinal Chemistry. Chapter 1. History of Drug Discovery. 3rd Edition, Elsevier Ltd., 2008.
  12. (12)OL Nelson,MM Cox. Lehninger Principles Biochemistry. 5th Edition, Freeman, 2008. 脂質仮説とスタチンの開発. レーニンジャー、ネルソン、コックス著、山山科 郁男、川嵜 敏祐、中山和久監修、編集.レーニンジャーの新生化学 第5版(下)、広川 書店,2010.
  13. (13)William & Helen Bynum(Eds). Great Discoveries in Medicine. Thames & Hudson (London), 2012. 鈴木晃仁・実佳の翻訳による翻訳版が明治書院か2012年に出版さ れている。
  14. (14)ラインハート・レンネバーグ=著 小林達彦=監修. バイオテクノロジーの教科書(上 巻、下巻)、 講談社ブルーバックス、2014.
  15. (15)Gilbert Thompson: Nobel Prizes That Changed Medicine. Imperial College Press, 2012.
  16. (16)高校理科教科書「化学と人間生活」. 東京書籍2014.
  17. (17)Gilbert Thompson. Pioneers of Medicine without a Nobel Prize. Imperial College   Press, 2014.
  18. (18)Philip A. Rea, Mark V. Pauly, Lawton R. Burns. Managing Discovery in the Life Sciences: Harnessing Creativity to Drive Biomedical Innovation. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
  19. (19)日本農芸化学会.遠藤章博士 ガードナー国際賞受賞記念特集.化学と生物 2018; 56 (No.3):133-236.
  20. (20)Paru Safi Bahcall. How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries. St. Martin’s Press 2019. 本著書の日本語訳がNikkei Business Publicationsから出版される予定。


  1. (1)Michael Brown, Joseph Goldstein. Lowering plasma cholesterol by raising LDL receptors. New Engl J Med 1981; 305: 515-517.
  2. (2)Jane E. Brody. Drug hailed as treatment breakthrough. With drug's approval expected soon, widespread use foreseen. The New York Times, March 10, 1987.
  3. (3)Irwin Ross. A new drug that fights cholesterol. Reader's Digest, January 1988, pp. 22-75.
  4. (4)Joseph Goldstein, Michael Brown. Cholesterol: A century of research. HHMI Bulletin, September 2003, pp.18-20.
  5. (5)Eugene Braunwald. Cardiology: the past, the present, and the future. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003; 42: 2031-2041.
  6. (6)Peter Landers. Drug industry's big push into technology falls short. Testing machines were built to streamline research-but may be stifling. The Wall Street Journal. 24 February, 2004.
  7. (7)Brown, Michael S., Goldstein, Joseph L. A tribute to Akira Endo, discoverer of a penicillin for cholesterol. Atherosclerosis Supplements 2004; 5: 13-16.
  8. (8)Grundy, Scott M. A letter from America to Dr. Endo. Atherosclerosis Supplements 2004; 5: 17-18.
  9. (9)治療薬レポート2004(Report 2004). 42.高脂血症治療剤ースタチン系、・フィブラー ト系・レジン系・EPA.(株) シーマ・サイエンスジャーナル, pp.625-656. 2005年10 月1日発行.
  10. (10)Peter Landers. Stalking cholesterol. How one scientist intrigued by molds found first statin. Feat of Japan's Dr. Endo led to heart care revolution but brought him nothing. Nature as a drug laboratory. The Wall Street, Journal January 9, 2006.
  11. (11)Nicole Gray. Our 7th annual report on the world's top 50 pharmaceutical  companies. Changing landscapes. A special report on the world's top 50 pharma companies. Pharmaceutical Executive. July 2006.
  12. (12)内村直之.バイオの巨人 ノーベル賞に迫った日本人化学者たち(第1回) コンパク チンの発見者 遠藤章.Medical Bio第4巻 第4号(2007年05月),pp.98-101.
  13. (13)Gilbert Thompson. Lasker award for the discoverer of statins. Br J Cardiol 2008; 15: 294-295.
  14. (14)Thomas P Stossel. The Discovery of Statins. Cell 2008;134: 903-905.
  15. (15)Philip A. Rea. Statins: From Fungus to Pharma. American Scientist 2008; 96: 408-415.
  16. (16)Andrew Jack. The fall of the world’s best-selling drug. Financial Times Magazine, November 28 2009.
  17. (17)Gilbert Thompson. A Half Century of Controversy over Cholesterol in Britain. Edited transcript of a lecture given at the Centenary Meeting of the British Atherosclerosis Society in Cambridge on September 11th, 2008.
  18. (18)James Mitchell Crow. 60 years of innovation. Chemistry World Issues 2011 March. Royal Society of Chemistry.
  19. (19)Brady Dennis, Lenny Bernstein. New guidelines could have far more Americans taking statin drugs for cholesterol.The Washington Post, November 13, 2013.
  20. (20)Gina Kolata. Experts Reshape Treatment Guide for Cholesterol. The nation’s leading heart organizations released new guidelines that will fundamentally reshape the use of cholesterol-lowering statin medicines.The New York Times, November 13, 2013.
  21. (21)ACC/AHA Guideline on the Treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults. : A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation, published on line Nov. 12 2013.
  22. (22)Michael J. Pencina, Ann Marie Navar-Boggan, Ralph B. D'Agostino, Sr. et al. Application of New Cholesterol Guidelines to a Population-Based Sample. NEJM March 19, 2014; vol.370 No.11.
  23. (23)Brown WV. From the Editor: The Akira Endo Award. J Clinical Lipidol 2015; 9; 479-483.
  24. (24)Goldstein JL, Broun MS. Tribute to Dr. Akira Endo. 化学と生物 2018; 56:139.
  25. (25)金子勲.スタチンの作用の基礎研究(回想録).化学と生物 2918;56:143-151.
  26. (26)山本章. 元祖スタチン(コンパクチン):ML-236B)の初期臨床開発(回想力).化学と生 物 2018;56:152-155.
  27. (27)児玉龍彦.世界の基礎医学と臨床医学をかえたスタチン.化学と生物 2018;56:156-160.